Casa Vida has partnered with IV DRIP TULUM to offer beautiful range of high quality IV vitamin drips so our guests have the opportunity to stay fully hydrated and refreshed while in Tulum they also offer a number of other treatments below for you to choose from
All the nurses are professional and fully qualified and will come to Casa Vida so our guests can relax and enjoy their stay with us
Our concierge team will be happy to arrange the booking on your behalf and confirm the booking details to your group
IV Therapy, also known as intravenous therapy, is the administration of delivering nutrients and hydration directly into the bloodstream for immediate absorption and use by the body.
IV Therapy is the fastest way to deliver nutrients throughout the body, because it by passes the digestive system and goes directly into the organs, resulting in a 90-100% absorption rate (as Opposed To Only 20-50% possible orally).
We specialise not only in hydration but in delivering your body the right nutrients it needs for its optimal daily function. We have many other beauty treatments such as anti-age,pigmentation,anti-wrinkle,sun damage and anti-acne with dermapen.
All the nurses are professional and fully qualified and will come to Casa Vida so our guests can relax and enjoy their stay with us
Our concierge team will be happy to arrange the booking on your behalf and confirm the booking details to your group
IV Therapy, also known as intravenous therapy, is the administration of delivering nutrients and hydration directly into the bloodstream for immediate absorption and use by the body.
IV Therapy is the fastest way to deliver nutrients throughout the body, because it by passes the digestive system and goes directly into the organs, resulting in a 90-100% absorption rate (as Opposed To Only 20-50% possible orally).
We specialise not only in hydration but in delivering your body the right nutrients it needs for its optimal daily function. We have many other beauty treatments such as anti-age,pigmentation,anti-wrinkle,sun damage and anti-acne with dermapen.

The Mighty
Madeup of Powerfull Combination of vitamins like A , B's, C, Glutathione, Cooper Plus Hydration
$ 175

Anti- Stress +
Fight the daily free radicals, and stress due to high over work , anxiety etc
$ 145

Rock Star Drip
Combination of 2 drips, one for hydration and the other for vitamins and minerals
$ 165